Foxit print to pdf missing
Foxit print to pdf missing

foxit print to pdf missing

© Copyright 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This behavior can be changed by going to Edit, Preferences, Page Display, then check/uncheck 'Enhance Thin Lines'. You may also consider changing Adobe Acrobat Reader's default behavior to enhance the display of thin lines on the display monitor. If you print a hard copy of the same PDF file, then the lines will appear correctly because the resolution of the printed page is higher than that of the display monitor.ĭesigning your forms with thicker lines may help prevent this issue. Wait 30 seconds, and then turn it on again. Then, plug the printer cable directly into a USB port on your computer. 2) If your printer is plugged into a USB hub, unplug the printer cable from the hub. This is because the appearance of table lines is affected by the limited resolution of the display monitor. 1) Make sure the cable that connects your printer to your computer is securely plugged in. The thin line display issue can occur with PDF files created from any vendor. Thin lines may disappear at different zoom levels. Expand the Print queues, right-click on Microsoft Print to PDF and select the Uninstall device option. You may experience issues when viewing a PDF file containing thin lines.

foxit print to pdf missing foxit print to pdf missing

One notable function that’s missing Printing the document. You are here: FAQ > Tips and Techniques > Fixing the thin line display issue when viewing a PDF Fixing the thin line display issue when viewing a PDF file The main goal of the PDF file format was to create the means for presenting documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware and operating system.

Foxit print to pdf missing